The kitchen is one of the most dangerous areas in the home from the perspective of accidents. The risk of accidents can be reduced by paying attention to fire safety, the storage of kitchen utensils, and the kitchen furnishings.

Most home fires start in the kitchen
The most common cause of a fire in the kitchen is unattended cooking. Human activity is a considerably more common cause of a fire starting from an electrical device than a device failure. The hob is accidentally left on or switched on, causing the food or other flammable material on the hob to ignite. Do not store anything flammable on the hob or near it. Make sure that potholders do not fall on the hob by accident.
Do not store anything flammable near the stove, such as plastic or cardboard food packaging. Flames can easily reach the ventilation ducts, causing the fire to spread rapidly.
Identify hazards related to electronics
If the dishwasher program gets stuck in the middle of the washing process or a lamp makes a strange buzzing noise, you should be worried. These can lead to a fire. A fire caused by electricity usually shows signs in advance to which a functioning smoke detector will react. Dust also poses a fire hazard. Vacuum the back of the refrigerator regularly due to the fire hazard. For added safety, place the refrigerator in an appropriate place. Refrigerator cooling requires sufficient air, and you should be able to pull the refrigerator plug in the case of a fire. Read more about electrical product requirements from the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes).
You can improve the fire safety of the kitchen by purchasing a safety hob or hob safety devices
Preventive safety devices prevent you from accidentally turning the hob on and forgetting to turn it off. Also supervise children and pets in the kitchen to prevent them from accidentally switching on the heating elements. A child lock that prevents unintentional use of the hob is useful for families with children and pets. Safety devices triggered by a hazardous situation react to fire and extinguish it. Safety devices are not only intended for the elderly and people with memory disorders; they improve operational safety in all households. Child locks and leak pans are also available for refrigeration equipment and washing machines.
Avoid climbing in the kitchen
Slipping in the kitchen poses a significant risk of injury, as food or liquids may fall on the floor. Kitchen cabinets are often tall and you must climb to reach them. Kitchen storage solutions should take into account the safety of all children, adults and elderly people using the kitchen. It is often a good idea to store any often needed, non-toxic food and dishes in cabinets that everyone can reach without climbing. Stepladders should be sturdy and have handrails.
Ensure children’s safety in the kitchen
Kitchen knives and other sharp kitchenware should be stored out of the reach of children. Separately installable child locks are available from baby product stores and department stores. They are reasonably affordable and easy to use. You should sit down when drinking hot liquids. Do not hold your child in your lap while drinking coffee or tea. Supervise children sitting in the high chair. Check the temperature of food and drink offered to a small child using a different spoon for tasting.
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Fire Safety
Fires often start from unattended cooking, careless smoking, or children playing with matches. Fires can be prevented by being careful and by supervising flames and electrical appliances while they are in use.
Safety Checklists
Home, cabin, and child safety can be improved with small changes. Using safety checklists, you can assess how safe your environment is. You can also share the results of the tests on social media.
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